about the book
Author: Michael J. Sahno
Publisher: Sahno Publishing
Page Number: 194
Publication date: July 21st, 2019
A recovering alcoholic, Mike, discovers his six-year-old cousin, David, travels through time as a whizzer to bring comfort to those in need. Mike soon finds himself along for the ride, and while he gets the opportunity to bring solace to some of his greatest heroes, he must also confront his own greatest demons.
about the author
Michael J. Sahno began writing stories at an early age. Eventually, he was selected for Editor-in-Chief of his high school literary magazine. The quality of his work led to several honorary titles and academic awards by his senior year, which made it clear he was destined to serve a role in literary excellence. Mr. Sahno earned his Bachelor’s from Lynchburg College and later went on to earn his Master’s in English from Binghamton University. After college, Mr. Sahno served in several management positions, including Director at a marketing research firm, Assistant Vice President at a Tampa-based mortgage company and college professor in the field of English composition. Sahno became a full-time professional writer in 2001 and, in the following years, wrote more than 1,000 marketing articles on a wide range of topics. His experience with quality copy, research and resourcefulness put him in high demand in the business community across the southeastern United States. In fact, several of the publications with which he was associated won Addy Awards in 2008 and 2010. Mr. Sahno has written and published four novels, Brothers’ Hand, Jana, Miles of Files, Whizzers, and the short story collection Rides From Strangers. He is the founder of Sahno Publishing and available for professional speaking engagements upon request. For further information, contact info@msahno.com.
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