Title: Shadow Creatures
Author: Jody Morse and Jayme Morse
Series: The Sherwoods Wolves #3
Publication Date: May 31, 2016
Page Count:177
Genre: YA, paranormal, romance
Format: eBook
Source: ARC
I received a free copy for an honest review
This book has earned itself a perfect 5 stars. It's like the author has managed to read my review about the last book and fixed everything (which definitely did not happen). What I meant is the book has improved from all the minor flaws from the last book. Either way, it improved itself to perfection.
In this book Jax and Camryn has more moments together, and the author spiced up the romance a bit by adding jealous scenarios in the story. New information were added, things happened, people died and some people are lost, which all lead to another cliffhanger. We started to see the changes in Camryn into a werewolf, but the writers still didn't show and hint the readers of any effects at all of the soul binding process, and its effects.
I've never mentioned this but I've always enjoyed love triangles. It brings more tension and drama upon the table, and helps spice up the chemistry. The author could've done that a little bit with Jeremy, just to use him to highlight Jax's love, jealousy and overprotectiveness over Camryn. I'm pretty all the readers would've enjoyed that. After all, we don't need to worry about him being a threat to Jax since he was hosted by a shade at the end of the book.
But either way, the story was enjoyable, entertaining, along with extremely cringy and funny date experiences. It's amazing, and earned itself a perfect 5 stars. I cannot wait to read the fourth book!