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Interview With Author Jaymin Eve

Featuring Jaymin Eve

What is your favorite writing and reading genre?

I love YA and NA fantasy. Contemporary romance is a close second for me. I love new love and discovery, which is why I tend to drift toward YA.

Where and how did you get your idea for your books?

My head is filled with ideas from my many, many years reading. I have been an avid reader my entire life, and after awhile just had to create my own worlds. I love it now, couldn't imagine any other career.

If a movie or TV show would be created for your books, which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead roles for you books?

Tough question! I have a lot of books and characters, but I could see the Hemsworth brothers fitting in for either Walkers or Compass quads. Lucy Hale could be Jessa, or Elena from Vampire diaries.

When did you decide to become a writer?

When I was 21 I had an idea and for the first time in my life decided to write. I sat and wrote from start to finish and it was pretty bad lol but somehow I caught the writing bug. I couldn't stop. I wrote and rewrote a lot in those first few years, learning my craft.

How did you get your book published?

How long did it take for you to get it published? I self-published my first book after a trad deal fell through. Took me a few months for cover and editing.

Do you ever get writer's Block?

If so, which book did you get the worst while writing? I don't really get writers block, but I definitely have books which stump me in places. Dragon Mystics was tough in parts through the middle but I just try to write every day, even if it's only 10 words, and eventually the block works out.

What is the average time for you to write a book?

2 to 3 months for 80-90k words

For your own reading, do you prefer kindle or paperback books?

I prefer kindle for convenience but paperbacks are my true love.

How are the covers made for you books?

I have a graphic designer who I use pretty exclusively. I give her my brief and she does her magic.

What advice would you give writer wannabes and future/young authors?

The best thing you can do is write. A lot. Write every single day and you'll develop good habits. Also make sure you aren't writing a book to become rich. That rarely happens, so you need to do it for the love of writing. Oh and read, read everything you can get your hands on. Reading will make you a better writer - plus you'll see what is popular in your genres and that's always good for marketing.

What do you do during your free time, how do you relax?

Ha! Free time? Never heard of it. I have a 2 and 4 year old, so all my non-writing time is spent with them. They are the joy in my world. Otherwise I like to read, music and muay thai ;)



My name is Anne and I read as much as I breathe. I started The Reading Life at the beginning of 2016 so I can share my love of reading and connect with other fellow bookworms. 


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